The uninvited acquaintance.
The pesky flying insect interrupting peaceful sleep.
The disaffirming messenger.
The devil’s advocate who wont hush.
The proverbial “punch in the gut.”
The giver of rejection.
The jolt that startles the shocked spirit.
The slow release of air from the tire.
The immobilizing splint.
The poorly timed joke.
The guest with no manners.
The mood changer.
The unexpected teacher.
The masterful motivator…
Disappointment is all of that when you dare to allow yourself to move through the progression of emotions and thoughts embodied in the disappointment.
If you’ve never experienced disappointments, you are likely living atop the pedestal hoisted up by arrogance and pride.
If you think you’ve never experienced disappointment, your pride and arrogance likely framed the disappointment as them just being haters.
If you’ve never experience disappointment, you are likely prone to living with denial without realizing that denial is that partner who will eventually escort you to the door of truth (whether you accept the truth or not).
Disappointment is the foe of those who wake up every day determined to champion life.
Disappointment hangs around like the weight of the albatross that suppresses the drive to keep hoping.
Disappointment appears then eagerly lingers with the aroma of the stench of a rotting potato under a car seat in the middle of July.
Disappointment overpowers pride, hope, dreams, motivation, and the spirit of the person unless met with a clear and convincing counter action.
The counter action must jam the pulley track and halt the inevitable takeover of negative momentum. I call the counter action “a quick flip of the switch.” The switch analogy works for me because the movement happens instantaneously and with a definite repositioning to better-lit condition. The shift from the other side of disappointment would stall if it functioned like a dimmer switch, gradually changing the degrees of brightness.
I don’t advocate that anyone forget the the loathsome acquaintance or the shock of the poorly timed joke. I don’t believe it beneficial to toss the immobilizing splint that seems to inhibit your growth or progress. I encourage you to evaluate the rejection and the timing of the same. I encourage you to listen to the disaffirming message from the devil playing advocate and let them teach you a life lesson about rising with more knowledge and energy than before the mood changer became your guest with no manners. Make your latest disappointment your most masterful teacher.
Don’t deny the pain.
Don’t deny the frustration.
Don’t deny the truth of opportunity missed.
Own the pain and use the pain to drive you to focus on the truths.
Own the truths and use the truths to drive you to focus on the science of your work.
Own that your passion fuels the work and gives the village purpose for investing in you.
Own the need to invest in the details of your passion, your mission, and your brand.
Own your role in humanity and the need for your unique way to serve the village.
Shake the embrace of disappointment and let it trigger the quick flip of the switch to hunger for better days that only the experience of disappointment can give you. Embrace boost in adrenalin embodied in the challenge and preparation for the moment you attain your next seemingly impossible goal. Today, I choose to trust that somebody in my village will come alongside me to support my mission to passionately educate, empower, and enlighten. I hope you will too!